Friday, 16 October 2020

Instagram Vs YouTube: Which Platform is Best for Marketing in 2020?

In a short span of time, Instagram and YouTube have gained colossal popularity, not just only among audiences, but also amongst brands. The power of these visual social media platform is on the next level. It will help brands big time to boost sales, gain new customer, generate traffic and increase brand awareness. It will be best if you leverage both platforms at the same time and use it’s potential as a marketing tool to get the most of it. An influential platform like Instagram is flooded with more than 1 billion active monthly users. On the other hand, the authoritative YouTube platform enjoys a substantial amount of users, and it is estimated to reach 1.9 billion. So, when it comes to the main point which option to pick out either Instagram Marketing Service or YouTube Marketing Services? Then it can be an altogether tough decision for any of the digital business. However, both of the video-centric social networking platforms holds incredible value and offers numerous advantages to brands. The most contradicting and perplexing statement you will ever read is- 95% of Instagram users watch YouTube, but one should be your go-to platform, which will be remarkable for your brand campaign. 

instagram marketing services

So, when it comes to addressing the question about which social platform to use for your brand, then beyond a shadow of a doubt, you should make your choice based on the benefits of Instagram and YouTube. Make a judgement yourself what will be the best suitable social platform for your brand, and then also if you fail to come to a single choice, then you should take the help of professional YouTube marketing services and Instagram Marketing service providers. 


It would be best if you decide on choosing the right social networking platform for your brand right now. Well, whenever you are selecting that perfect platform for your marketing campaign, then you should consider the R’s of influence, which are Relevance, Reach and Resonance. 


  • Relevance: Look for how many target customers can be found on a particular platform. Analyze which platform is used most by users and influencers in your niche. 
  • Reach The masses of people you can potentially reach using the platform. Basically, it can be measured by the follower's count. 
  • Resonance: The potential engagement your marketing strategy or the famous influencer you will take onboard can generate from an audience will be relevant and valuable to your brand. Usually, it is measured from likes and comments on the post. 

The Video Platform-YouTube


If we go by statistics, then YouTube is considered as the second most visited webpage in the world, and to be precise, it has over 1.9 billion monthly active users. Moreover, three-quarters of internet traffic today is attained by video marketing. YouTube is an ideal platform if you are looking for high-quality content. In a nutshell, it is search-friendly, evergreen and has a long lifespan. Therefore, sponsored YouTube ads can probably work wonders for your brand. You will be stunned by reading, more than 500 million hours of videos are being watched on YouTube every day. Isn’t it cool? At the same time, it mirrors how much people like to watch videos on YouTube; the obsession is real. 


Benefits of YouTube Marketing Services: You should go for YouTube if you want to promote your products and services via video medium. You can create informative videos about your brand’s services and products in order to explain the best functionalities and features of your product. You can also take influencers onboard who holds enormous reach and ask them to talk about your services in their one or the other videos or create product tutorials for the required promotions. It will help your brand to drive high-quality traffic to the website. And if done in the right way, then it can help you snowball your engagement rate and will also help you gain trust and credibility in the market.


The Photo Medium- Instagram

Instagram in totality offers two posting channels to the users; video stories feature and a content feed with photos and videos. Moreover, Instagram’s content feed includes photos as well as videos which can be made up to 60 second long. Furthermore, users can post multiple photos and videos in one post. The most incredible feature on Instagram is Stories feature, which is somehow borrowed from Snapchat. And even Instagram filters are popular among users. Even clickable links can be included in stories, which allows businesses and influencers to direct traffic to their website or YouTube channel. Instagram is on fire as it keeps on rolling out new features such as live stories, Boomerang and Superzoom feature in order to keep the interest of the users intact. Instagram is a highly interactive platform; therefore, it entices millions of people. 


Benefits of Instagram Marketing Service: Within a short space of time, Instagram has accomplished a tremendous amount of popularity and prominence. The visual aesthetic appeal of the platform lures both users and brands. Any brand can post engaging and striking images of products/services to get the attention of their target audience. You can try out several new amazing features offered by Instagram like Instagram Stories, Reels feature, etc. in order to create content for promoting your brand’s authority. Bottom Line, Instagram will help you generate relevant traffic to your website and will also upsurge your brand’s sales. It will definitely amplify your reach and improve awareness of your brand. Even Instagram comes handy to build a long-term relationship with influential people present on the platform and also with the audience on a more personal level. Furthermore, you can anytime bank on Instagram to reach out and have a connection with a younger audience on a more intimate level.

YouTube marketing services

Get Your Spot-on Social Media Campaign Designed by Best in Business “MagicByte Solutions”

We are assuming till now you might have made up your mind about which social networking platform can be beneficial for your brand. If, you did then Congratulations to you for taking the first baby step but if you are a brand which is still confused between the two choices, then don’t worry. There is someone out there who can help you and that too proficiently which is nobody else but MagicByte Solutions. Instead of just helping you choose between Instagram Marketing Service and YouTube Marketing Services, they will design an impeccable tailor-made social media marketing strategy that will assuredly meet your brand’s need and requirements.

Location: Australia


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